Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Caught HAM in a lie, let's show the world

So, I went on Heterosexual Awareness Month, a Facebook page that is very strongly against homosexuals, same-sex marriage and the like.

After the Hobby Lobby Ruling, which is for religious freedom so that Hobby Lobby has the right to not provide birth control to it's employees, even though the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would require it.

The supreme court ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby, giving them an exception for religious reasons.

BUT ... a day later, The White House received a letter asking to be able to deny service, and discriminate against the LGBT community because it would be "Religious Liberty" to do so, since LGBT rights are against their religion. More Here

Back to the main topic. There is now a boycott going on against Hobby Lobby over the ruling.

I saw this picture about 2 or 3 days after the ruling (About the 4th of July)

So, Yesterday (7th of July) I noticed that Heterosexual Awareness Month posted a "edited" version. which I had to call them out over, as you can see.
Then, today (8th of July) they commented, trying to say that their image was the original (even though it was posted days after the original) and I had to call them out on that too.
After, I posted I explained to them how you can tell it was photoshopped.
And then, after they called people "Thieving Photoshoppers," they reply to my statement with "what's photoshop." and then banned me so it seems like I gave up and so they seemed more powerful and got the last word in.
Let, me make this clear, I don't care what your opinions are, I'll still accept you, but when you manipulate the facts to misinform people, that's when I have a problem.

I am a proud supporter of the LGBT community, sorry to make this about politics and such, but seeing someone lying to a mass of people, and then covering up anyone who points out their lies. If the were civil about it, I would have ignored them.
Over and Out ...
       The Crazy Opossum

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